Ways To Spruce Up Your Lake House

Ways To Spruce Up Your Lake House

Ways To Spruce Up Your Lake House

Summer is upon us, which means more time at the beloved lake house. If your lake house hasn’t seen any guests since last summer, there’s a good chance it’s not in the best of shape. But, with a complete cleaning regimen and a variety of embellishments, you can restore your lake house to even better condition than before. Quinn’s Mercantile looks at several ways to spruce up your lake house that won’t break the bank.

Divvy Up the Chore Chart

Before you get to the fun part, it’s likely that some cleaning is in order. Especially if you share your lake house with other family members or friends, divvy up the cleaning routine. Carve out a weekend or two for everyone to stop by and play their part in tidying up the place.

Emphasize the Views, Rid the Drapes

One mistake that lake house owners commonly make is covering up the windows or entryways that harbor the best views. In shared spaces, rid the windows of drapes or curtains—specifically those that have a view of the water, trees, or other beautiful elements of nature.

Incorporate Your Personality With Décor

There are a few stereotypical décor motifs you could go with as ways to spruce up your lake house. If these are overdone, however, your place on the water could appear a bit tacky, and less like a cozy getaway. Play up your personality through home décor.

Whether your lake house is rustic or modern, Quinn’s Mercantile has a diverse inventory of unique home gifts for ample decorating. Equipped with a personal selection of home goods, your lake house’s design will feel much more purposeful.

Upgrade To Seating That Lasts

If you notice your lake home’s seating is getting dingy, it might be time for an upgrade. When replacing your seating, be sure to opt for durable furniture. Your lake house isn’t going anywhere, so you might as well invest in seating that will last rather than kicking couches and chairs to the curb every couple of years.

As you purchase new furnishing, see if you can configure a more optimal seating arrangement in your space. With more chairs and larger sofas, you’ll be able to comfortably host all the guests you’d like.

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